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Sustainable AI Conference 2021: How can A.I. help us be sustainable? (Paper Session 1)
Sustainable AI Conference 2021: How should sustainable AI / AI for sustainability be introduced? PS3
Sustainable AI Conference 2021: Evaluating AI for sustainability/sustainability of AI (Paper S. 6a)
Sustainable AI Conference 2021: Evaluating AI for sustainability/sustainability of AI (Paper S. 6b)
Sustainable AI Conference 2021: Introduction (Aimee van Wynsberghe) & Keynote (Markus Gabriel)
Sustainable AI Conference 2021: Who is dealing with sustainable A.I.? (Paper Session 2)
Sustainable AI Conference 2021: Evaluating AI for sustainability/sustainability of AI (Paper S. 6c)
How Data & AI Can Help Our Sustainable Future | Dr. Georgios Leontidis | TEDxAberdeen
How can AI contribute to a more sustainable future? | Big-Data.AI Summit 2021
Sustainable AI Conference - Register now!
Aspen AI Conference 2021 - Day 2 - Burden or Benefit? Environmental Sustainability in the Age of AI
Ai4 Conference 2021 | A Unified AI-Governance Collaborative Framework for Sustainability